Web Applications: Browsers on synchronicity drive
Major internet browsers see the synchronisation of web applications as the next step in outmanoeuvring their rivals.
Mozilla has announced a project called WebAPI, which is designed to make the same basic web applications available on a mobile browser, and to make them cross-compatible for iOS, Android and Windows Phone. This will be a major breakthrough for web applications, which have become increasingly popular, but which have lacked in functionality compared to software written for a specific native operating system.
Meanwhile, Google is working on a similar project to allow interaction between applications on the Chrome browser and Chrome OS. Android already have such a system in place, ‘Intents’, designed for communication between Android applications. This is to be developed to benefit web applications by developing and integration the types of actions that will enable multiple applications to communicate and integrate together. This is a development that is vital for Chrome OS to function as a browser-based operating system.
There are signs that the two big players are looking to merge projects together, which is excellent news for the field of web applications. If you’re in need of a web application development, see what Eurocal Group can offer.